Author: ABC Center Singapore

Happy New Year!

ABC Center welcomed back our kids from a wonderful Christmas break. Many of our kids worked on shapes and numbers. And we have a whole new set of many bicycles for our gross motor outdoor play!!!!

The Parents’ Role in Autism: Do’s and Don’ts

Parenting a child with autism is one of the most difficult and confusing roles in life. In this article, we give our best advice on what should and should not be done. (Portions of this newsletter are excerpts from an

Festive Holidays with a Child with Autism

While the upcoming festive season is a time for celebration with family and friends, it can be stressful for those caring for children with autism due to many reasons – changes in routine, travel, unfamiliar social interactions. However, ABC Center

Learning to Talk: Breaking down the barriers

One of the most heartbreaking aspects of autism is the inability of some children to talk. When Spencer* signed up with ABC Center Singapore three years ago, he was in this situation. He was already 22 months old, an age

Success! My child is now out of the Autism Spectrum!

When David* was 22 months old, he was diagnosed with Autism. Today, after two years of hard work, therapy and dedication, his mother can finally say what other parents dream of – David is no longer in the Autism Spectrum.
